Ban A. Vu, MD, medical director
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Menu of services > Cellulite reduction
Cellulite Reduction

The Medispa Institute is now offering powerful non-invasive treatments for cellulite reduction and inch loss body contouring. Dermosonic is a comfortable cellulite reduction treatment that also slims and tones without side effects or down time.

What is cellulite?
Cellulite is a term established in 1973 to describe a condition of the skin and subcutaneous tissue characterized by microcirculation impairment, fluid retention, enlarged fat cells and alteration of connective tissue. Cellulite develops in the most superficial of layer of fat that sits beneath the skin, known as the subcutaneous fat layer. This layer is structurally unique from the others because its fat lobes are organized into chambers by surrounding strands of vertical connective tissue.

What causes cellulite?
There are many reasons why cellulite can develop. Some of these reasons include: Hormonal changes, Diet (mainly saturated fat), Impaired circulation, Lack of exercise, Medication, Lack of water consumption, Caffeine consumption, Genetics, Extreme weight loss. Cellulite tends to develop more easily in women than in men, and occurs in 90% of women after puberty. Cellulite occurs mainly in the thighs, hips, and buttock regions and is characterized by an “orange peel” or “rippled” appearance.

How do you treat cellulite?
Traditional treatments include lotions and creams that aim to improve skin texture superficially, however, the results from these treatments may be limited, since the cellulite lies below the skin surface. Newer technologies have developed to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

What is Dermosonic?
Dermosonic combines ultrasound and Non-invasive Subdermal Therapy (N.I.S.T.), a strong suction massage program, for exceptional cellulite reduction, localized fat reduction, body contouring and skin smoothing treatments.

How does Dermosonic work to reduce cellulite?
Step 1: Ultrasound improves local blood circulation, promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue to release cellulite nodules, increases reabsorption of local edema (swelling), enhances the disintegration of fats and prepares tissue for the next step.

Step 2: N.I.S.T. helps mobilize and eliminate fatty deposits, stimulates circulation, promotes the reabsorption and drainage of retained fluids and toxins and improves the overall elasticity and quality of skin.

What kind of results can be expected after Dermosonic?
Clinical results show improved circulation evident from the first treatment, and a significant improvement in the quality and appearance of the treatment area.

How many treatments are needed?
Depending on your needs, age and lifestyle, treatments are recommended one to two times per week for a total of 8-12 treatments with follow-up treatments every 6 to 8 weeks.

How do the treatments feel?
Dermosonic treatments do not pinch, roll, or bruise the skin so treatments are not only pain free, they feel good.

Additional questions?
For more information, please contact us as 832-300-5593, email us at, or visit our website at

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