Ban A. Vu, MD, medical director
  call us: 832-300-5593
Menu of services > Mole removal
Mole Removal
What is a mole? 
A mole is a benign skin lesion that is usually black or dark brown in color, is round in shape, and may or may not be raised off the the skin.  Many people request mole removal for cosmetic reasons.  

How is a mole removed?  
At the Medispa Institute, we utilize a state-of-the-art high frequency radiowave device to remove your mole with minimal pain and discomfort.  

Is the removal painful?  
No. Most people don't feel more than a pinch.

How many treatments does it take?  
For scarless mole removal, several sessions may be necessary, spaced a minimum of one month apart. The root of the mole often sits low beneath the skin. If we remove the entire lesion in one session, this may result in a depression scar. 

How do you rule out cancerous lesions?  
Any mole that is questionable in appearance is sent to for a pathology review. You will be informed prior to treatment if we believe this to be necessary and additional charges may apply.

Will it leave a scar?  
In most cases, there is no scarring. Scarring is dependent on your skin's ability to heal properly. Therefore, if your skin normally scars, there is a possibility that you may scar as a result of this procedure. We will examine you prior to the treatment and inform you if we think there is a possibility of scarring.

Will I be able to put on makeup and go back to work after the procedure?  
If we are removing a small lesion, you should be able to go back to work immediately with a small bandaid. We ask that you refrain from applying makeup to the treated area until it is healed.

Is the procedure covered by insurance?  
No. Moles that are removed for cosmetic reasons are not covered by insurance. If you suspect skin cancer, you may go to a dermatologist and request an exam and removal for medical reasons.

Need more information?  
For more detailed information, please contact us at 832-300-5593, email us at, or visit our website at



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